S2E3 : Variables, Taking Input From User — Python
Hello, my name is Kishan Tongrao. We are gonna talk, how we can declare and, use variables in the python programming language and how to take input from the user.
Variable Declaration
- Python is a dynamic programming language. It means we don’t need to declare a variable with its data type before using it, like many other programming languages.
- Just use the proper meaningful variable name as a best practice and, you are good to go.
Variable Use
- After having data/information in the variable. You can use that information in your program.
- Because variables are, used to store the data or information in the memory location.
Input From User
- We just saw how to declare and use a variable. To feed data to the variable, we need to assign data to our variable.
- We can assign data directly or, you can ask the user to enter the data and, then you can assign that data to a variable.
- Since in Python 3, the default input is String. We can use all the functionality of the String to input() function after taking input.
That’s It!
Thanks For Your Time.