Split 24 Hours
Hello, my name is Kishan Tongrao. Today we are splitting our 24 hours, the definite amount of time that every living person on this planet has. For this, we need a pen & paper or digital calendar or digital writing board.
Generally, we spend our time in two categories: The first one where the time of the activities we want is constant/fixed, and the second activities in which time varies per request.
Every morning remember, “Yesterday is history, tomorrow is a mystery, and today is a gift that is why it is called Present” from the cartoon movie “Kung Fu Panda”.
Category 1:- Situations where we want to spend a fixed amount of time.
In this category, we can add the general activities that we have to perform. Here do not add things that you love. If you love something, it means you are going to spend more time.
Category 2:- Situations where we spend an unsteady amount of time.
These category activities are may or may not depend on others. For example your work hours, sometimes you have work to do and, sometimes you don’t. It means that we are going to spend an unsteady amount of time. First, initially put some amount of time you think each activity deserves.
After knowing these two categories, please use pen paper or a digital application to write down the activities you want to perform in 24 hours. Below are some of the tasks for your reference, but go ahead and write your goals.
Task 1: List your fixed hours
- Sleep — 6 hours
- Morning hygiene routine — 30 minutes
- Workout — 20 minutes
- Bath and Dressed Up — 15 minutes
- Meditation — 10 minutes
- Breakfast — 30 minutes
- Lunch — 1 hour
- Dinner — 1 hour
- The margin of error — 3o minutes
After listing fixed hours of the day, add the time of these activities.
Total time remain of the day : 24–10:15 = 13:30 Hours
Task 2: Variable hours
- Office work — 5 hours
- Personal goals — 4 hours
- Book read — 1 hour
- Breaks, Family Time and Others — 3 Hours
- Diary, Journal, Gratitude Journal — 30 minutes
Total time remain of the day : 13:30–13 = 00 minutes
Now first, don’t panic by seeing 00 minutes left. The reason is these are all random activities listed by me. We added margin of error in the first category, and in the second category, you will find more time remaining.
Now it’s time to open your digital calendar or paper calendar. The activities that are in the first category put those in the calendar with the remainder. For small activities, group them and add them to the calendar with a reminder.
Before closing this article, I want to say that please spend more time chasing your personal goals and your habits. For the rest, go with the reminder.
Now it’s time to leave.
Thank you for your time, and I hope this is useful.
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