What is Python Programming Language? Why Scripting Language? Dynamic Binding Feature

Kishan Tongrao
2 min readJul 3, 2021

Hello, my name is Kishan Tongrao. Finally, we have reached the python programming language. Please find below details that will clear a very basic understanding of the Python programming language.

Photo by Jan Kopřiva on Unsplash

What is Python Programming Language?

  • Python is a general-purpose, high-level, clean, elegant, agile, object-oriented, interpreted, and simple programming language.

What is Scripting Language?

  • The programming language that uses an interpreter to translate the code into machine code is called Scripting Language.

Why Python is called Scripting Language?

  • For Python we use an Interpreter to execute code then as per the definition of scripting language, Python is classified as Scripting Language.
  • But
  • Python codes can be compiled and standard compiles Python code into byte code and later interprets that.
  • So what now?
  • Python is a general purpose programming language that also works nicely as a scripting language if not error off course.

What is Dynamic Type Binding feature of Python?

  • There is no declaration of variables before using it, is generally called dynamic type binding.
  • What it does is, stores that value at some memory location and then binds that variable name to that memory container. And makes the contents of the container accessible through that variable name.
  • Advantage — Easier to write generic code.
  • Disadvantage — High cost to check type and interpretation.

Enjoy !


Email — tongs.the10@gmail.com

LinkedIn — linkedin.com/in/kishan-tongrao-6b9201112

