History Of Programming Languages
Hello, my name is Kishan Tongrao. Before starting any new thing I always curious about its history. So here we are in an episode of season 1 learning about the history of programming languages.
- In 1883, The first computer programming language was an algorithm created by Ada Lovelace for Charles Babbage’s mechanical computer, the Analytical Engine. The purpose of this algorithm was to compute Bernoulli numbers.
- In 1936, Alonzo Church and Alan Turing the computer code was specialized for lambda calculus.
- In 1945, Von Neumann presented the general principles that a general-purpose machine should follow.
- In 1949 Assembly Language assembly language came into the picture.
- In 1952 Wilkes, Wheeler, and Gill describe a program loader that converts from decimal to binary values to allow for greater convenience in encoding instructions and addresses.
- 1957 → Fortran → 1958 → Algol → 1959 → COBOl, LISP → 1964 → BASIC → 1970 → Pascal, 1972 → Smalltalk, C, SQL → 1978 → MATLAB →1983 → Objective-C, C++ → 1987 → Perl → 1990 → Haskell → 1991 Python, Visual Basic → 1993 → R → 1995 Java, PHP, Ruby, JavaScript → 2000 C# → 2003 Scala, Groovy → 2009 → Go → 2014 → Swift
Enjoy !
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