Lottery Dataset EDA | Kaggle
2 min readSep 12, 2023
Hello, My name is Kishan Tongrao. Today we are going to a simple EDA on lottery dataset on Kaggle.
We Covered Below Topics
- Load Dependencies
- Load Dataset
- Check Null Values
- General Information of Dataset
- Statistical Information of Dataset
- What is Total Aid Amount by Fiscal Year?
- What is Total Aid Amount Over Time for a Specific County?
- Is there any Correlation Between Aid Amounts and Fiscal Years?
- What are Top 10 School Districts by Total Aid Amount?
- Plot Interactive Map
- What are Total Number of Retailers?
- Which retailers offer quick draw services and how prevalent they are in different areas?
- What is the total prize amount for each game?
- What is the total number of paid and unpaid tickets for each game?
- What is the total prize amount for each game category (Paid and Unpaid)?
- What is the average prize amount for each game category (Paid and Unpaid)?
Code Area
Is Lottery a game of Luck?
Analyze whether the relation between lottery winning numbers EDA