LAUS : Learn Apply Update and Share
Hello everyone, my name is Kishan Tongrao. Today we are going to look at the term called LAUS.
The principle that guides me every single day in my professional life. We are going to break down each character in LAUS and, I urge you to apply those every single day of your life.
L — Learn
The meaning of learning, the gain or accumulate knowledge of or skill in study and experience. In learning, follow excellence, the quality of being outstanding.
If you watched the movie 3 Idiots, one quote or line that stays with me is, “You should never study to be successful, study for self-efficiency, just do not run behind success. Follow behind excellence success will come all way behind you.” — Rancho.
Learn every single day the world is going to get more complicated and competitive than ever. To conquer tomorrow, we have one shield called knowledge. To gain knowledge, we have to learn every single day.
A — Apply
Now let say we learned something, now what? We need to apply them in real life. Otherwise, you will forget that learning in a longer time. You will forget what you have learned if you are not going to apply it. Let it be anything in any field you can seek that in your life for sure.
U — Update
The knowledge is infinite. Every single day something new is adding to existing knowledge. So we need to keep an eye on that to be updated on that. Please have a good database of core knowledge that you have on paper or digitally. If you find any new updates, update that in the database for easy access.
S — Share
Sharing is a crucial part of the LAUS principle. Don’t be selfish in all areas of your life. We know that, in some areas of your life, you need to be selfish.
So don’t share your goals or dreams. But once you achieve your goals or fantasy, please share the journey. If you don’t share in due course, you will burn out of LAU Learn Apply Update.
LAUS — Learn Apply Update and Share.
That’s it!
Thank You For Your Time.